The common fig is a flowering plant from the Moraceae family and when dried can be best used as a replacement for other commonly known dry fruits. You can eat dried figs plain, make sauce or even add them to meat dishes for sweetness.
High in Fibre
If you are looking to increase fiber in your diet, then go for dried figs as they are rich in fiber, containing 14.6 g per cup, while the recommended fiber intake for healthy adults is at least 28 g. High-fiber diet has been found to lower cholesterol and helps in controlling the blood sugar levels of our bodies. Fiber in our diet also encourages regular bowel movement which prevents constipation. However, do not increase your fiber intake at once, and instead do it gradually in order to reduce the possibility of diarrhea or cramps.
A quick source of energy
Most people are usually unaware of the fact that dried figs are genuinely a quick source of energy and can be very useful after a workout. Glycemic index is of dried figs is high, meaning that their carbohydrates are quickly released in the bloodstream. This results in boosting your blood sugar levels which ultimately energize you. However, the main problem here is that these quickly lead to weight gain, so do not overeat. Use them frequently in small quantities as opposed to a lot of them in one day.
Blood Pressure Benefits
Dry figs can play a very dominating role in controlling your blood pressure. What needs to be known here is that fact that a cup of dried figs contains 1,013 mg potassium and 15 mg sodium. This high potassium and low sodium nature of dried figs helps prevent high blood pressure. Figs can also help bring the blood pressure down if it is already high. According to medical experts a healthy adult should consume at least 4,700 mg potassium while 2,300 mg sodium is just enough. On the other hand, people with blood pressure problems should not take more than 1,500 mg sodium per day.
Use in Traditional Medicine
Figs have their benefits in the field of medicine as well, where they have been widely used in medication for the prevention and cure of cholesterol levels, diabetes, skins problems and constipation. However, the effectiveness and side effects of figs in the prevention and treatment of the mentioned conditions has not undergone testing using high-quality clinical studies. So, you should only use figs when prescribed by your doctor.
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