Most people know they need to lose weight and want to lose it, but just can’t get down to doing what is required to actually lose it. This is simply attributable to lack of motivation, where people just don’t feel strongly enough to want to do anything about their problem. Weight loss is not as easy or as simple as people might say, but its not an insurmountable mountain either. Here are 6 ways you can motivate yourself to start a weight loss regime.
Look at older pictures of yourself
If you have gained weight in recent years, you will definitely have old photos of yourself without all the extra pounds. Look at them, and compare your present self to your past. Realize that the fitter and slimmer version of you is still in there, under all the extra weight, and it is possible for you to go back to how you were, or even better, by simply putting in some effort.
Own up to your poor diet choices
Unless you admit and accept that you made poor diet choices, you are not going to be ready to fix this problem. Bad eating habits are responsible for the majority of weight gain cases and most people continue with it in denial. It is very important that you start keeping a record of what you eat during the course of a day and then assess whether you are eating what you need or consuming calories which are only adding to your waistline.
Start small
After you have established that you need to start a weight loss regime, it is important that you don’t go overboard and start small. Making big goals and doing more than you can handle will only lead to further disappointment and you will be quick to drop all plans. It is recommended that you start with portion control and light exercise like walking in the morning.
Take photos and measurements
It is important that you put your body into perspective by measuring yourself and taking photos. This will not only help you face the truth but also serve as a comparison tool as you work towards getting fitter. Take clear photos from the front and the sides and measure everything, from your waist to your chest, arms, thighs and your overall weight. Note all this down separately so that you can refer to these measurements later.
Don’t be too happy about initial success
The more weight you have the easier it will be to shed it in the start. You might even start noticing differences after the first month of portion control and light exercise. However, it is important not to get ahead of yourself and consider it a big triumph. The key to weight loss lies in consistency. See improvements as part of an on going process and push yourself harder to get even better.
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